Overwhelmingly, individuals look to their employers for guidance on additional education and training2, yet less than half of working-age Hoosiers have completed education or training beyond high school.3
The Talent Resource Navigator was built to bridge this gap: connecting individuals and employers with the relevant partners, programs, and practices that are best equipped to meet their workforce development needs.
About the Talent Resource Navigator
The Talent Resource Navigator is a free, web-based tool from the Indiana Chamber of Commerce that offers the convenience of one-stop shopping for education and job training opportunities. Supported by on-demand customer service and technical assistance, the Navigator intentionally guides and connects individuals and employers with a tailored set of talent development resources based on each user’s identified needs.
Navigator Goals
- Collect, organize and disseminate vetted information on proven talent development strategies and practices.
- Increase capacity for building robust talent pipelines across regions, industries and institutions in Indiana.
- Grow the numbers of organizations and individuals that are actively and productively engaged in talent development.
- Improve career-related education and training in Indiana by strengthening the feedback loop among business, education, community and government partners.
The Talent Resource Navigator is a program of the Institute for Workforce Excellence, a nonprofit subsidiary of the Indiana Chamber dedicated to helping Indiana better attract, develop and retain the Hoosier talent needed to drive a highly skilled and equitable workforce.
Navigator Content
The Talent Resource Navigator connects users to three main types of resources:
- Partners
Organizations or entities working at the state, regional or local level that can assist employers or individuals with talent and workforce development.
- Programs
A training program or related resource offered by a community partner, education institution, government entity, regional intermediary or other provider designed to meet a specific workforce need.
- Promising Practices
A proven approach to talent/workforce development that has demonstrated a clear, positive impact for individuals, employers and the community and has the potential to be replicated or scaled statewide.
Navigator Features
- Personalized Support
Our talent and training consultants are ready to help you find the most relevant workforce resources and connect you to vetted partners and programs that are equipped to meet your needs. On each page you have the ability to schedule a call to speak directly with a team member or send a message for fast and efficient answers electronically.
- Community Reviews
Registered Navigator users have the opportunity to rate resources and offer testimonial feedback that can guide program improvement and strengthen the feedback loop between consumers and providers.
- Talent Pipeline Assessment (For Employers)
Developed in partnership by a broad cross-section of business, community and education leaders, Talent Pipeline Assessments are available to help employers evaluate and benchmark their current talent development strategy against recognized best practices. When an assessment module is completed, the Navigator will suggest relevant resources based on your results to help further strengthen your organization’s talent pipeline. Additionally, we will proactively notify you as new resources aligned with your interests/needs are added to the Navigator in the future.
Frequently Asked Questions
Indiana’s future vitality is directly linked to our collective success in better cultivating, retaining and connecting working-age Hoosiers to meaningful opportunities for employment and economic mobility.
While Indiana is fortunate to have an ever-expanding wealth of providers and programs striving to support education and workforce development, the unintended consequence of this sheer abundance of resources is complexity and confusion for the consumer. Many Hoosiers – both individuals and employers – are unaware of these offerings and/or struggle to find the options that are most relevant to their needs. The Talent Resource Navigator was built to bridge this gap: connecting those with specific workforce development needs to the partners, programs and practices that are best equipped to meet those needs.
The Navigator is designed for anyone with a vested interest in strengthening Indiana’s workforce, including but not limited to individuals searching for career development opportunities, employers seeking to upskill their workforce and communities, and education and training providers looking to connect with those who would benefit from their programs and services.
No. Anyone can access the Navigator and browse the online resources free of charge. To customize and enhance their experience, users are encouraged to create a free account on the Navigator. Registered users can request direct support from our talent and training consultants, favorite relevant resources, save self-assessment results and access other premium features.
There are three paths for a training program or related resource to be populated in the Navigator:
- The resource has been vetted/approved by the state of Indiana as an eligible training provider and/or Next Level Jobs program.
- The resource has objective, verifiable outcome data (e.g., program completion rates, competency/skill attainment, employment/earnings gains, etc.)
- The resource has been recommended (received positive feedback ratings) from the Navigator’s community of registered users. If you have questions or would like assistance in publishing your resource to the navigator, contact a member of our team at navigator@indianachamber.com.
Our talent and training consultants are actively working to identify and add resources that have demonstrated a positive workforce benefit for individuals, employers and the community. Partner organizations and program providers are encouraged to “claim” their resources (i.e., provide additional details on their offerings) and/or submit new resources.
If you have questions or would like assistance in publishing your resource to the Navigator, contact a member of our team at navigator@indianachamber.com.
The Navigator employs a five-star user rating system based on the following criteria:
- Quality of the training
- Quality of the trainer
- Results for the employer
- Results for the employee(s)
- Would you recommend this training?
In addition to the star-ratings, the Navigator also collects narrative feedback and testimonials from users that may be shared with resource providers to support program improvement.
Developed in partnership by a broad cross section of Indiana business, community and education leaders, the Talent Pipeline Assessment was created to help encourage and empower Indiana’s employer community to function as both co-developers as well as consumers of Hoosier talent.
Through a series of mini-assessment modules focused on key components of a comprehensive talent pipeline strategy, employers can evaluate and benchmark their current efforts against recognized best practices. When an assessment module is completed, the Navigator will suggest relevant resources based on your results to help further strengthen your organization’s talent pipeline.
Our talent and training consultants are available to answer questions and provide technical assistance via email or by phone. Additionally, registered Navigator users can be connected directly with resource providers, rate the quality/effectiveness of resources and provide reviews/testimonials that support continuous improvement.
Our team members are ready to help you find the resources you need.
As a registered member, you can...
Send a message for fast and efficient answers electronically
Schedule a call and speak directly with a team member
View all resources in the Talent Resource Navigator
Get personalized resource recommendations from the Talent Pipeline Assessment
- 2021 Chamber Employer Survey
- Lumina Foundation for Education
- Strada-Gallup Consumer Insights Survey